What are friends for…

fat guy too

So here’s the thing: I’m picking up a friend the other day and I’m waiting outside his place for him to come down. As I sit there pondering life, because he’s never on time, I started feeling a little positive about my physical appearance. As you know I’ve gained a significant amount of weight over the past couple of years and have been reduced to showering with a t-shirt on these days, but this day I felt like I was looking better. I started to smile as I sit alone in my car. I looked up to see Greg walking towards my car. He gets in and the first words out of his mouth were “So, you don’t even suck it in anymore?” I looked down at my stomach and it looked like my seat belt was trying to kill a pregnant woman’s baby. We started laughing, then we left. Ahhhhhhh friends! Hey, I’m not bald.

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